About the AppDB web gadget

The AppDB web gadget is freely offered to the NGIs, Virtual Research Communities, Virtual Organizations, or even to institutions and individual scientists and provides data visualization for the AppDB REST API result sets, paging capabilities and user defined search operations. The gadget is constructed in such a way, as to provide high usability to external web portals and can be configured to display specific information from the applications database, without any change to the structure of the host site.

The AppDB web gadget Editor, an online configuration tool, has been also developed in order to assist the creation of your own instance of the AppDB web gadget.

Web Gadget Editor Usage

In order to be able to generate a web gadget instance, you should follow the following 5 steps:

Basic parameters

The settings available under the “Basic Parameters” section are only for display purposes.

  • Display type: Select the Gadget layout that fit to your needs.
  • Display search: Select whether you would like to make the embedded search facility available through your AppDB web gadget instance.
  • Dimensions (W x H): The dimensions of your AppDB web gadget instance.
  • Title: The title that will be displayed into the generated AppDB web gadget instance.
  • Items per page: The number of applications that will be displayed per AppDB web gadget page.

Filtering criteria

The “filtering criteria” facility is used to select and display only a subset of the applications registered in the AppDB service.

NOTE: The selected applications will satisfy ALL the criteria set by the user.

  • If, for example, the VO value is set to “SEE” and the Abstract value is set to “meteo”, then all the applications which are associated with the “SEE” VO AND have the word “meteo” within their abstract text, will be included into the generated AppDB web gadget instance.

The available filters are:

Filter Description
Name: Limit the fetched applications to those that their name contains or matches to the string provided by this filter.
Description: Limit the fetched applications to those that contains into their description field, the string that is provided by this filter.
Abstract: Limit the fetched applications to those that contains into their abstract field, the string that is provided by this filter.
VO: Limit the fetched applications to those that are associated with the selected Virtual Organization (VO).
Country: Limit the fetched applications to those that are associated with the selected Country.
Discipline: Limit the fetched applications to those that are related with the selected Discipline.
Middleware: Limit the fetched applications to those that are associated with the selected Middleware.
Tag: Limit the fetched applications to those that are associated with the selected Tag.

Preview & Generate

If you are satisfy with the result, copy the generated HTML code contained into the text area and paste it into your portal or HTML page.

Success Stories

Below you can find a list of the portals/gateways that are using the AppDB web gadget.