How can I Subscribe to a Private Image List Using VMCatcher?

NOTE: Virtual appliance and image list privacy features are no longer supported.

VMCatcher uses Basic Authentication as defined in RFC2617 to perform subscriptions to private image lists. You will need

  1. Access Private Data permission for the image list in question, granted by the owner
  2. A valid personal access token

in order to successfully issue a subscription request.


  • Assume that the private image list URI (read here how to locate the URI) you would like to subscribe to, is
  • and that your personal access token is

  • Then, you should issue the following command from the console

    vmcatcher_subscribe --auto-endorse -s \

In short, you should handle your personal access token as the ‘username’ and x-oauth-basic as the ‘password’ for Basic Authentication over HTTPS.

Tip: for more information about HEPiX VMCatcher, please refer to its manual.