VMCaster CLI Error Codes

This section lists the resulting errors that might occurred when using the VMCaster tool in order to upload VA versions in the form of signed image lists, to the EGI AppDB service. In any case, please do not hesitate to contact us

Error label Code Description Corrective actions
ERROR_ADVMC_1001_UNAUTHORIZED 1001 You are not authorized to perform this action. Please follow steps 1 & 3 as described in the Prerequisites section.
ERROR_ADVMC_1002_NO_FILE_SUBMITTED 1002 No image list file submitted Please refer to the section Using the VMCaster command line tool and check out: how VMCaster should be configured, and how it may be used to upload either new VA Versions or updates.
ERROR_ADVMC_1003_NOT_VALID_JSON 1003 The image file you have submitted, does not NOT follow a valid JSON format and can not being further processed. Check the format of the produced image list.
ERROR_ADVMC_1004_XML_VALIDATOR 1004 Internal error. Not correct or well formed, image list submitted. It seams that the submitted image list is not valid. Please consider contacting us.
Also please consider sending us either the vmcaster@appdb dashboard reference URL or the submission ID.
ERROR_ADVMC_1005_MISSING_APPDB_ID 1005 Internal error: The application id (ad:appid) is missing. It seams that the submitted image list is not valid. Please consider contacting us.
Also please consider sending us either the vmcaster@appdb dashboard reference URL or the submission ID.
ERROR_ADVMC_1006_INVALID_IMAGELIST_IDENTIFIER 1006 The provided image list identifier (dc:identifier) is not valid. You have provide a invalid image list identifier (dc:identifier).
Please read section Using the VMCaster command line tool and the FAQ item How to get the VMCaster image list identifier using the AppDB portal.
ERROR_ADVMC_1007_NO_VA_APPDB_ID 1007 Internal error. The application id (ad:appid) related with the provided image list identifier (dc:identifier), it is not correct. It seams that the submitted image list is not valid. Please consider contacting us.
Also please consider sending us either the vmcaster@appdb dashboard reference URL or the submission ID.
ERROR_ADVMC_1008_NO_PERMISSION_TO_THE_VA 1008 You DO NOT have access to submit versions for the given Virtual Appliance. You are not authorized to perform this action on the given Virtual Appliance.
Please follow steps 1 & 3 as described in the Prerequisites section.
ERROR_ADVMC_1009_INVALID_WRAPPER_XML 1009 Internal error. Post data are not correct. It seams that the submitted image list is not valid. Please consider contacting us.
Also please consider sending us either the vmcaster@appdb dashboard reference URL or the submission ID.
ERROR_ADVMC_1010_INVALID_WRAPPER_SCHEMA 1010 Internal error. It seams that the submitted image list is not valid. Please consider contacting us.
Also please consider sending us either the vmcaster@appdb dashboard reference URL or the submission ID.
ERROR_ADVMC_1011_UKNOWN_ACTION 1011 Internal error. Unknown action submitted. It seams that the submitted image list is not valid. Please consider contacting us.
Also please consider sending us either the vmcaster@appdb dashboard reference URL or the submission ID.